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Nature Stories

Bringing communities together through a shared appreciation of the natural world

Pop Quiz

Like so many things, observing nature takes effort and practice. Let's do a mini-exercise together and see what you pick up from an still image.

A Slithering Rendezvous

Many people don't like snakes. This is an evolutionary remnant from when a venomous snakebite was even more dangerous than it is now (before antivenom and advanced medicine). However, most snakes are completely harmless and can have just as intriguing behaviors as other types of animals.

Living Fossils

When an organism shows little outward change over a long period of time, we may label them a 'living fossil'. But what does that really mean, and why do they fascinate us so much?

Turtle Power

Animal symbolism and allegory is present throughout our folklore. We tell stories about animals as a way of telling stories about ourselves. As turtles are some of my favorite animals, let's look at some interesting turtle symbolism.

Unintended Consequences

Too often, when we alter the natural environment for our own convenience, we don't think about (or even don't know) all of the potential consequences of that action. Mangroves in Florida are a particularly egregious example of this type of short-sightedness.

Chow Time

Seeing new animal behavior can be just as exciting as seeing a new animal. It can help drive the 'why' questions that are at the heart of scientific discovery. Here is another example of my seeing new behavior.

Blinded by the Light

There's a hidden world out there, all around us that we can't see. Why? Because we don't have the right physiology. But other animals do and there are all sorts of patterns and visual stimuli that only they can see.

Humming in the Garden

While hand feeding wildlife is a bad idea, there are better ways to attract wildlife. In particular, your gardening choices can help bring in different types of animals.

Please Don’t Feed the Ducks

What Happens When We Treat Wildlife Like Pets? Very often, the result is disastrous, both for them and us.

What’s in a Name?

In the sciences, there are differing perspectives when it comes to giving names to individual animals. There are always trade offs. Naming things helps with empathy, but also can lead to treating animals like people.

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